Happy Get Organized Day!

Friday, April 26th 2024 is Get Organized Day!

Call us a little bias, but here at Sparkly House Cleaning we believe one HUGE way to get organized is to keep a fresh and clean home. If you’re thinking what we’re thinking, feel free to fill out our free quote form and let us help you out!

Fun facts about clutter and organization…

  1. Cleaning up and refreshing your physical space helps overall mental health. It can improve your mood, lower stress levels and provide a new perspective for creative energy!

  2. According to a recent study, 80% of items we purchase we end up not using over the span of our ives.

  3. Did you know! We spend on average 8,700 hours per year searching for misplaced or lost items.

  4. Don’t stop at just your physical space - its been shown that cleaning up your digital spaces (computer desktops and folders in addition to organizing apps on your phone) can be just as helpful for a clear mind.

  5. Today might be Get Organized Day, but practicing a routine on a daily basis builds a habit of cleanliness and organization which eases the effort year round!

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