Sparkly House Cleaning

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7 Strategies to Win the Battle Against Dust

Fun fact: Over 90% of household dust comes from people and fabric.

If your home is sheltered from air movement, the particles will oftentimes stay put. In other areas that have more more movement, the particles will constantly rise and settle with each pass through and door swing. While the dust battle is one that is rarely completely won, there are ways to help reduce and eliminate it over time.

If your home has not been dusted regularly in quite a while, there’s a chance that during your first professional home cleaning, dust particles that have collected will move into the air and fall back down onto furniture and surfaces. With regular dusting and vacuuming, the overall particles in your home will be greatly reduced and over time, you’ll start to see a significant difference.

Here are a few things you can do to prevent or reduce dust in your home.

1. Wash bedding often.

Sheets, blankets, comforters and pillows are other places dust tends to accumulate. Sparkly recommends that sheets are washed weekly and other bedding and blankets monthly.

2. Vacuum high-traffic areas.

Carpets are dust magnets. In between professional home cleanings, vacuum the areas you use the most.

3. Vacuum frequently-used furniture.

While you’re vacuuming those high-traffic floors, take a minute to vacuum the furniture you use often.

4. Shake rugs weekly.

Shake until you don’t see any particles flying into the air.

5. Reduce knick-knacks.

The more “stuff” you have sitting out, the more dust collects.

6. Lose the shoes.

Have people remove their shoes at the door of your home.

7. Groom your pets regularly.

Dogs and cats can contribute significantly to household dust. Also wash their bedding as often as you’d wash your own.

Bonus: An air purifier can also be very beneficial and help with overall air quality. So can plants.