Sparkly House Cleaning

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Blinds. To clean or not to clean?

One of the most frequent questions we receive is, “should I have my blinds cleaned?” and it’s usually followed by “how much does it cost?”

Well, there’s not only different types of blinds, but different types of cleaning.

As part of Sparkly’s Premium Cleaning, feather dusting is included. However, some people aren’t so sure that will take care of the dirt and grime they have built up. And that is sometimes very true.

To completely and accurately clean them, a green all-purpose solution and a microfiber is recommended, along with the hand wiping of each one on both sides. However, once the blinds have any type of solution on them, there is no turning back.

So, when is it worth it to actually have wet washing performed? We’d say, if the cost of the blinds is at least $25 or more to replace, then it ends up being worth it. The time involved in cleaning anything less than that ends up not making the overall expense worth it. We’d also say that if you are dealing with wooden blinds vs. the more cost effective mini-blind, then there are usually other cost elements involved in replacing – installation, painting, specialty sizing.

In short, if you have standard mini-blinds, you might be better off purchasing new ones. Not only because it’s cheaper, but who doesn’t love an excuse to pop into Target?